Why I don’t think Googles Data Loss Prevention API is ready for use with images


Data protection is critical within any business and data has a lot of value. Loss of data can be detrimental to both the business holding the data and the individual who’s data has been compromised resulting in drastic consequences. Loss of data is a breach of both privacy and security and with data storage being so cheap, it has expanded massively in volume. While data breaches of sensitive data have been occurring for a long time, they have been becoming more frequent.

Before you start

About this post:

  • 5 – 15 min average reading time
  • Suitable for intermediate through to advanced

What you will gain reading this post:

  • An understanding of data loss prevention
  • An understanding of what you need to consider before using the Google Data Loss Prevention API
  • An breakdown of the code used to execute Google’s Data Loss Prevention API

What you can do to help support:

  • Like, comment and share this article
  • Follow this blog to receive notifications of new postings

Now, let’s get started.

What is the role Data Loss Prevention plays?

Data security policies are made and individuals are required to strictly follow those policies.

Data Loss Prevention services are:

  • Made available to identify, monitor and protect data in storage as well as over the network.
  • Used to enforce those policies, to prevent unauthorised access and usage of sensitive data.

Data loss can occur for many reasons such as intentional misuse, leakage, carelessness, BYOD or theft.

What are use cases for Data Loss Prevention?

  • Enforcement of Data Loss Prevention services as a measure to ensure Data Loss Prevention policies.
  • Data Loss Prevention can help prevent accidental disclosure or theft by employees having access to sensitive data.
  • Data Loss Prevention can help prevent lawsuits, loss of reputation, loss of credibility, loss of revenue, remember data does have a value.

What are steps you can put in place to help minimise Data Loss?

  • Implementation of the Data Loss Prevention policies
  • Utilise Data Loss Prevention services
  • Avoid BYOD situations where possible
  • Ensure logging of data security events for monitoring and analysis
  • Encrypt sensitive data where possible
  • Ensure you have your own policies on the storage that hosts data in the cloud, don’t just rely on the cloud provider

What is the Google Data Loss Prevention API?

Google’s Cloud Data Loss Prevention API (DLP) provides classification and redaction for sensitive data like credit card numbers, names, social security numbers, international identifier numbers, phone numbers, and GCP credentials.

To get a deeper understand visit the API documentation – https://cloud.google.com/dlp/

Test Cases

NOTE: All the test case data was run against actual credit cards, the images uploaded in these three test cases have been modified or generic images to remove sensitive information.

Test Case #1

Condition of actual card processed

  • Not a new card, this card has been used over a period of time, highly used
  • Outlines around the digits of the card have faded or scratched off causing the digits to have the same contrast and colour of the background
  • Highly likely other individuals cards are of similar condition
  • Looks exactly like image below
NAB Visa Debit Card Example
NAB Visa Debit Card Example (not actual card)

Result – Unsuccessful

Project ID = my-gcp-project-id

Path = /…/dlp/build/resources/main/image/cc1.jpg

Output = cc1-redacted.jpg

Findings: 0

When this card was processed through the Google Data Loss Prevention API, it was unable to locate the credit card number and therefore unable to mask the data or perform a redact on the photo.

Test Case #2

Condition of actual card processed

  • Not a new card, this card has been used over a period of time, rarely used
  • Outlines around the digits of the card have faded causing the digits to have the same contrast and colour of the background
  • Highly likely other individuals cards are of similar condition
  • Looks exactly like image below
NAB Visa Card Example (not actual card)

Result – Success

Project ID = my-gcp-project-id

Path = /…/dlp/build/resources/main/image/cc2.jpg

Output = cc2-redacted.jpg

Findings: 1

Quote: 4303 3012 3456 7890


Likelihood: LIKELY

Masked: *******************

Redacted image written to: cc2-redacted.jpg

The inspect results clearly indicate that the value found was a credit card number and the likelihood that provides the assurance indicates that the match was a success. For a list of the likelihood possible outcomes please refer to this link https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/likelihood

The deidentification results were also a clear success as the requested masking was complete

The redact which is represented below in the form of an image clearly shows a successful masking of the sensitive data and provided a clever overlay on top of the original image and produces a seperate image file

NAB Visa Card Example Redacted
NAB Visa Card Example Redacted (not actual card)

Test Case #3

Condition of actual card processed

  • New card, never used
  • Outlines around the digits of the card are very clear resulting in the digits to have the different contrast and colour of the background
  • Likely other individuals cards are of similar condition
  • Looks almost like image below, however there is no white square border American Express logo, and a chip appears above the first four credit care numbers (refer image two below)

Result – Unsuccessful

Project ID = my-gcp-project-id

Path = /…/dlp/build/resources/main/image/cc3.jpg

Output = cc3-redacted.jpg

Findings: 0

When this card was processed through the Google Data Loss Prevention API, it was unable to locate the credit card number and therefore unable to mask the data or perform a redact on the photo.

Test Summary

For Test Case #1 the result really didn’t come as a surprise to me with the contrast between the digits and the background of the card, it was a result that I was expecting, however for Test Case #3 the contrast between the digits and the background of the card was the complete opposite and I was very surprised with the unsuccessful outcome.

For Test Case #2 this also actually came as a surprise to me, I was expecting the same result from Test Case #1.

It is also worth noting that I did run these same test cases with different images taken of the same cards and the results were different, for that result Test Case #1 and Test Case #2 both were unsuccessful where as Test Case #3 was successful.


This is a run through of the code that I ran for the Google Data Loss Prevention API Test Cases


Follow this guide to allow the code to execute against your Google account: https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/getting-started

Install the SDK locallyhttps://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart-macos

Ensure you setup the required authentication of the service to allow for execution against your Google account: export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=”/user/<user>/[service-account-key].json”

Main Class

Below is the following code I used to execute the against the Test Cases.

Ensure you do the following:

  1. Replace my-gcp-project-id with your actual GCP Project ID
  2. Ensure you have an image file in a resources package under an image folder – image/cc1.jpg
  3. Change the output location to a path and file you want – cc1-redacted.jpg
import au.com.gcp.dlp.InspectImageFile;
import java.net.URL;
public class App {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        App app = new App();
    private void run() {
        URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("image/cc1.jpg");
        String projectId = "my-gcp-project-id";
        String path = (url == null) ? null : url.getPath();
        String output = "cc1-redacted.jpg";
        System.out.println("Project ID = " + projectId + " Path = " + path + " Output = " + output);
        InspectImageFile.inspectImageFile(projectId, path);
        InspectImageFile.redactImageFile(projectId, path, output);

Helper Class

This class simply contains the different methods to be able to inspect image, deidentitify with masking and redact the image file parsed in.

NOTE: this code can be refined for better performance, such as removing the need to connect to the API client for each method etc, but for the demonstration purposes it is easier to breakdown and explain.

package au.com.gcp.dlp;
import com.google.cloud.dlp.v2.DlpServiceClient;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.*;
import com.google.privacy.dlp.v2.ByteContentItem.BytesType;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class InspectImageFile {
    public static void inspectImageFile(String projectId, String filePath) {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            // Specify the project used for request.
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.of(projectId);
            // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
            ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(filePath));
            ByteContentItem byteItem = ByteContentItem.newBuilder()
            ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder()
            // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
            InspectConfig config = InspectConfig.newBuilder()
            // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
            InspectContentRequest request = InspectContentRequest.newBuilder()
            // Use the client to send the API request.
            InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);
            // Parse the response and process results
            System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
            for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
                System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
                System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
                System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());
                deIdentifyWithMask(f.getQuote(), '*', f.getQuote().length(), projectId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error during inspectFile: \n" + e.toString());
    private static void deIdentifyWithMask(
            String value,
            Character maskingCharacter,
            int numberToMask,
            String projectId) {
        // instantiate a client
        try (DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            ContentItem contentItem = ContentItem.newBuilder().setValue(value).build();
            CharacterMaskConfig characterMaskConfig =
            // Create the deidentification transformation configuration
            PrimitiveTransformation primitiveTransformation =
            InfoTypeTransformations.InfoTypeTransformation infoTypeTransformationObject =
            InfoTypeTransformations infoTypeTransformationArray =
            // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            InspectConfig inspectConfig =
            DeidentifyConfig deidentifyConfig =
            // Create the deidentification request object
            DeidentifyContentRequest request =
            // Execute the deidentification request
            DeidentifyContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.deidentifyContent(request);
            // Print the character-masked input value
            // e.g. "My SSN is 123456789" --> "My SSN is *********"
            String result = response.getItem().getValue();
            System.out.println("\tMasked: " +result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error in deidentifyWithMask: " + e.getMessage());
    public static void redactImageFile(String projectId, String filePath, String outputFilePath) {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            // Specify the project used for request.
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.of(projectId);
            // Specify the content to be inspected.
            ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(filePath));
            ByteContentItem byteItem =
            // Specify the type of info and likelihood necessary to redact.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            InspectConfig config =
            // Construct the Redact request to be sent by the client.
            RedactImageRequest request =
            // Use the client to send the API request.
            RedactImageResponse response = dlp.redactImage(request);
            // Parse the response and process results.
            FileOutputStream redacted = new FileOutputStream(outputFilePath);
            System.out.println("\tRedacted image written to: " + outputFilePath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error during inspectFile: \n" + e.toString());

Now, let’s look at each method separately in greater detail.

Inspect Image

What is happening here is quite simple:

  1. A connection to the API is established with DlpServiceClient.create()
  2. A image containing the sensitive data in loaded into a stream new FileInputStream(filePath)
  3. The image in then constructed into a content item ready for inspection ContentItem.newBuilder()
  4. The info types are specified on what sensitive data the API is looking for InfoType.newBuilder().setName(typeName).build()
  5. The request in constructed InspectContentRequest.newBuilder()
  6. The request is executed made to the API dlp.inspectContent(request)
  7. The results returned from the request are iterated over response.getResult().getFindingsList()
  8. Each finding is printed Quote, InfoType and Likelihood as you see in Test Case #2
  9. A call to then execute the deidentification is performed deIdentifyWithMask(f.getQuote(), ‘*’, f.getQuote().length(), projectId)
public static void inspectImageFile(String projectId, String filePath) {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            // Specify the project used for request.
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.of(projectId);
            // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
            ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(filePath));
            ByteContentItem byteItem = ByteContentItem.newBuilder()
            ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder()
            // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
            InspectConfig config = InspectConfig.newBuilder()
            // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
            InspectContentRequest request = InspectContentRequest.newBuilder()
            // Use the client to send the API request.
            InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);
            // Parse the response and process results
            System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
            for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
                System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
                System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
                System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());
                deIdentifyWithMask(f.getQuote(), '*', f.getQuote().length(), projectId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error during inspectFile: \n" + e.toString());

Deidentity with Mask

Similar to the inspect image, what is happening here is quite simple as well:

  1. A connection to the API is established with DlpServiceClient.create()
  2. The value in then constructed into a content item ready for inspection ContentItem.newBuilder()
  3. The mask is then constructed CharacterMaskConfig.newBuilder() into a configuration item
  4. The info types are specified on what sensitive data the API is looking for InfoType.newBuilder().setName(typeName).build()
  5. The request in constructed DeidentifyContentRequest.newBuilder()
  6. The request is executed made to the API dlpServiceClient.deidentifyContent(request)
  7. The result returned from the request is printed response.getItem().getValue()
private static void deIdentifyWithMask(
            String value,
            Character maskingCharacter,
            int numberToMask,
            String projectId) {
        // instantiate a client
        try (DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            ContentItem contentItem = ContentItem.newBuilder().setValue(value).build();
            CharacterMaskConfig characterMaskConfig =
            // Create the deidentification transformation configuration
            PrimitiveTransformation primitiveTransformation =
            InfoTypeTransformations.InfoTypeTransformation infoTypeTransformationObject =
            InfoTypeTransformations infoTypeTransformationArray =
            // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            InspectConfig inspectConfig =
            DeidentifyConfig deidentifyConfig =
            // Create the deidentification request object
            DeidentifyContentRequest request =
            // Execute the deidentification request
            DeidentifyContentResponse response = dlpServiceClient.deidentifyContent(request);
            // Print the character-masked input value
            // e.g. "My SSN is 123456789" --> "My SSN is *********"
            String result = response.getItem().getValue();
            System.out.println("\tMasked: " +result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error in deidentifyWithMask: " + e.getMessage());


Similar to the inspect image, what is happening here is quite simple as well:

  1. A connection to the API is established with DlpServiceClient.create()
  2. A image containing the sensitive data in loaded into a stream new FileInputStream(filePath)
  3. The image in then constructed into a content item ready for inspection ByteContentItem.newBuilder()
  4. The info types are specified on what sensitive data the API is looking for InfoType.newBuilder().setName(typeName).build()
  5. The request in constructed RedactImageRequest.newBuilder()
  6. The request is executed made to the API dlp.redactImage(request)
  7. The redacted image is written to a stream which is written to the disk new FileOutputStream(outputFilePath)
public static void redactImageFile(String projectId, String filePath, String outputFilePath) {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
        // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
        try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
            // Specify the project used for request.
            ProjectName project = ProjectName.of(projectId);
            // Specify the content to be inspected.
            ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(filePath));
            ByteContentItem byteItem =
            // Specify the type of info and likelihood necessary to redact.
            List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
            // See https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference for complete list of info types
            for (String typeName : new String[] {"CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {
            InspectConfig config =
            // Construct the Redact request to be sent by the client.
            RedactImageRequest request =
            // Use the client to send the API request.
            RedactImageResponse response = dlp.redactImage(request);
            // Parse the response and process results.
            FileOutputStream redacted = new FileOutputStream(outputFilePath);
            System.out.println("\tRedacted image written to: " + outputFilePath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error during inspectFile: \n" + e.toString());


What I believe is that the inspection of images for sensitive data is still quite immature and over time, most likely through the help of machine learning will be able to improve its detection capabilities and provide reliable outcome. The results as it currently is, are not reliable and consistent enough in the detection.

While the photos I uploaded are not perfect I think they are pretty clear.

As you can image most of the use cases for Google Data Loss Prevention API with images would be individuals uploading them to a platform for:

  • Purposes of verification
  • Matching of data inputed to actual physical entity supporting validation etc
  • If you fall under compliance
  • Simply want to restrict the sensitive data that is stored by you as a business

As it is, it has to many unsuccessful results to be usable, there is also the external factor such as the capture of the image the produced different results based of the angle in which the image was captured or how the light reflects and doesn’t illuminate enough.

It is also missing key info types such as CVV/CVC numbers, which appears on the front of certain cards such as in Test Case #3. For a list of support info types refer to https://cloud.google.com/dlp/docs/infotypes-reference

I do think this is a very good API and with the additional training has fantastic potential, but for now I would just use this API for text based detection or storage and database detection and wait until the image detection has matured.

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4 thoughts on “Why I don’t think Googles Data Loss Prevention API is ready for use with images

  1. Nice Robert. I am trying to understand the use case where an image of Credit Card or a Debit card image be provided as an input to something like DLP? As in what kind of applications require image processing of CC cards and de-identification policies to be applied?

    1. Thank you Prashant.

      One or more direct identifiers can be used to uniquely identify an individual, either by themselves or in combination with other readily available information.

      De-identification is a risk management exercise, and it is the easiest way to become compliant without compromising your technical flexibility.

      The infrastructure and code that interacts with this data does not need to adhere to the compliance standard you are adhering to such as HIPAA or PCI for instance.

      An example where the credit of debit card would possibly be required as an upload to DLP could be if you were performing an 100 point check and required that the document be sighted through an online channel, you may only require the sighting of the name and signature on the card and therefore can block out the card number and or restrict what can be see by individual performing the assessment can see.

      I hope this helps to answer your question.

      1. Yup. I am not too sure if CC details are provided atm, but 100 point check use case is very valid. Something like an account statement can be provided as an input to DLP that masks the account number?

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